With shareholders and investors
Corporate Governance System
By maintaining a compliance system with a strong sense of ethics that respects human rights and improves our value to society, the NIKKON Group is able to engage in business activities. In our business management structure, we have established the Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Committee and the position of Accounting Auditor. We have also introduced the executive officer system and an internal audit department. This is how we have structured our corporate governance system.
IR Activities
The NIKKON Group believes in the importance of dialogue with its shareholders and investors. Through dialogue with institutional investors, we are working to improve our corporate value based on the proper evaluation of the Group. We are also committed to holding results briefings and explanatory meetings for individual investors.
As a part of our IR activities, we regularly plan and host facility tours at the places where we operate. These tours are aimed at introducing our businesses (including automotive, testing, food-related, and housing-related businesses, and the business of packaging machines and equipment) to people from local communities to enable them to understand our businesses and initiatives and deepen our communication with them. In addition, we leverage the opinions and requests of tour participants to contribute to the revitalization of local communities and the improvement of activities that lead to solutions to local issues. We will also apply these opinions and requests in our management of our business.*
Moving forward, we will disclose more materials in English to deepen our communication with overseas investors, in our efforts to improve our corporate value based on the proper evaluation of the Group. We will also use information technologies to build an environment which will permit more shareholders to attend the General Shareholders’ Meeting.
- Currently, facility tours are suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope to be able to continue relying on your understanding and support.
Facility tours
October 2017: Given in the Tochigi area
- Auto Technic Japan Co., Ltd. (Testing business)
- Utsunomiya Branch, NIPPON KONPO UNYU SOKO CO., LTD. (Food-related business)
October 2018: Given in the Gunma area
- Ota Branch, NIPPON KONPO UNYU SOKO CO., LTD. (Automotive and housing-related businesses)
- Gunma Branch, NIPPON UNYU CO., LTD. (Automotive and housing-related businesses)
October 2019: Given in the Chiba area
Sakura Branch and Ichihara Branch (Housing equipment-related business)
Sakura Packaging Center (Business of packaging machines and equipment)
Strengthening of Internal Control
To prevent insider trading, we increase employee awareness of the significance and content of regulations regarding insider trading through training programs and other opportunities.